Christmas Decorating with Pets


With Christmas around the corner, it is important that our Christmas decorations are safe for our pets. Here are some decorating tips and decorations you should try to avoid:

– If you have feline friends in the house, make sure that your tree is well secured as they often like to climb the tree which could potentially make them fall and possibly cause an injury.

– Make sure wires for your lights are tucked away to avoid any chewing which could cause electrocution.

– Try to avoid using tinsel decorations that could easily be swallowed.

– Look for shatterproof ornaments to decorate your tree with.

– Look for larger sized ornaments to avoid them from being swallowed.

– Make sure that plants are out of reach and try to avoid decoration with Poinsettias. If the Poinsettia is part of your Christmas decorating, think about purchasing a mock plant.

– When using wrapping paper, try to make sure that all the scrap paper is picked up.

Written by RaeAnne Emmell RVT