
cat dog

Cats and Dogs

In the 1980’s summer blockbuster GhostBusters, Bill Murray’s character describes the end of the world, exclaiming, “Cats and dogs living together – mass hysteria!”

vet event

Dunk the Vet Event

We wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients who helped with this event: whether it was by coming to visit us and dunking a vet or coming to browse through our yard items all was appreciated.

cat ear

Ear Mites

What is an ear mite you might ask? Ear mites are tiny parasites that live in the ear canals of dogs and cats, though cats are more at risk for infection than dogs.

Dental Care Tips

Spring is Here, but Don’t Sleep on Dental Care

Spring has finally arrived, and every pet owner is concerned about parasites. There is a good reason for this, and I strongly encourage it! Unfortunately for me, the focus on dentistry tends to decline during these months. Being a Canadian Veterinary Dental Technician, I am obsessed with teeth year-round.