Blog: Cat


All kitten and cats should be current on their vaccinations, both for their own health and the health and safety of their families.


Overweight Cat Help

Cats spend a lot of their day sleeping. This leaves little time in the day for exercise. Many cats are overweight due to overfeeding and lack of exercise. There are lots of available toys to encourage activity in cats that are geared to their hunting instincts. Restricted calorie diets are…


Nail Trimming and Ear Cleaning

All of our appointments include complimentary nail trimming and ear cleaning if they are needed. If your pet needs nail trims or ear cleans on a regular basis just call us to schedule this.


Dental Care

The most commonly diagnosed health problem in cats is oral disease. Bad breath, red and swollen gums, changes in appetite/eating and chewing habits, depression or pawing at the face are all symptoms of a greater, underlying problem(s) and should be treated immediately. At our clinic, we provide a full range…