Blog: pet tips


How Spaying Early Can Eliminate Mammary Tumours

  One of the many questions we get working in Veterinary Medicine is “at what age should I spay my dog?”.  As Veterinary Professionals, we like to recommend spaying at an early age. This time frame is typically around 5-6 months old, or before the first heat cycle.


Christmas Decorating with Pets

  With Christmas around the corner, it is important that our Christmas decorations are safe for our pets. Here are some decorating tips and decorations you should try to avoid:


Embrace the winter in Northern Ontario!

  We love it and so do our pets, but they do need our help to ensure that they stay safe!  There are a few precautions that we should keep in mind!


Your Pet’s Next Bait

Fall is upon us. The trees are changing colours, the a/c is off, and fleas are thriving with the dampness that fall brings. It’s also a prime time for rodents to seek out shelter for winter. This means they are looking for a way into your warm, cozy house.